The beautiful option with the 6-Minute Body system is that you can stack routines. As an example, having access to 29 routines, you simply select, say, Abs Sculpt, Arms, and Buns which expends 18 minutes; or a 6-12-18 sequence. So given the amount of time you have, you can literally repeat the same routine; like two circuits of Abs Sculpt for 12 minute blast, or, as stated, perform any variety in succession. And, should you have a full hour to exercise, you can perform ten routines at 6 minutes each and fill that hour with muscle-toning, calorie-burning motions. The other benefit with this system is that you can regularly pick and choose your routines so you consistently challenge the mental aspect of your training while, concurrently, reorganizing your workouts which refreshens your objectives.
What do I do when I want to exercise longer than 6 minutes?
Modified on: Sat, 2 May, 2020 at 1:24 PM